Privacy Policy Statement

Thank you for visiting our Website.

NTQ Solution shall be referred to as “we”, “us”, or “our” in this following Statement. This Statement highlights our privacy practices regarding the personal information that we collect and store about you through our website and app and also for the personal information that you provide us while participating in our events and campaigns.

1. Personal Data Collection

We request customers to provide basic information including email, phone number, username, login password, and address when registering for Salon-checkin service, as well as some optional information when customers wish to interact with certain content on the Salon-checkin website and mobile app. We use this information to communicate with customers for confirmation purposes and to ensure customer rights when necessary.

By accessing, registering, and using Salon-checkin, you agree to be bound by the provisions outlined in our privacy policy.

Customers are solely responsible for the security and storage of all service usage activities associated with their registered account, including their password, email address, and/or phone number. We are not liable for any loss of customer data or confidential information resulting from customer actions, whether accidental or intentional.

Additionally, customers are responsible for promptly notifying us of any unauthorized use, abuse, or security violations, including the storage of third-party registration names and passwords, so that appropriate remedial measures can be taken.

2. Use of Personal Information

We use the information customers provide to:

- Provide services to Customers.

- Send notifications about information exchange activities between Customers and Salon-checkin Products.

- Prevent activities that destroy the Customer's user account or activities that impersonate the Customer.

- Contact and resolve with customers in special cases.

- Do not use the Customer's personal information other than for confirmation and contact related to Salon-Checkin products.

3. Information storage time

The customer's data will be stored until cancellation request from the Customer. In all other cases, Customer's personal information will be kept confidential on our server.

Customers have the right to access, modify, and delete this personal data. However, in certain cases, we may still be able to retrieve this information from our database to resolve disputes, enforce terms of use, or comply with technical or legal requirements related to the security and operations of Salon-checkin.

4. Means and tools for Customers to access and edit their data

Customers have the right to check, update, and adjust their personal information by logging in Go to your account and edit your personal information or ask us to do so.

Customers have the right to submit a complaint about the disclosure of personal information to third parties us. When receiving this feedback, we will confirm the information and be responsible for providing reasons and instructions. Customers restore and re-secure information.

5. Committed to protecting customers' personal information

Customer personal information on Salon-checkin is securely protected according to our privacy policy. The collection and use of each customer's information are only conducted with their consent, except in cases where other legal regulations apply.

In some cases, we may engage an independent third-party to conduct market research projects, and in such instances, your information will be provided to this entity for project execution. This third party will be bound by a confidentiality agreement, limiting their use of the provided information solely for project completion purposes. No personally identifiable customer information will be disclosed to third parties; all data will remain anonymized.

Our commitment:

- We do not utilize, transfer, provide, or disclose any customer's personal information to any third party without the customer's permission or consent, except where other legal regulations apply.

- In the event of a server storing information being attacked resulting in the loss of customer personal data, we will promptly notify the relevant authorities to investigate and handle the incident, and inform the affected customers accordingly.

6. Contact

If you have any questions regarding our Privacy Statement, how we protect your personal information, or if you have any complaints regarding NTQ Solution's use of your data, you can contact NTQ Solution.

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